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View Artists’ Paintings on our Online Gallery

The Geary’s Gallery extensive collection of artists’ paintings is a culmination of years of work that started in 1984. The diversity of the artists’ work, ranging from oil paintings to sculpture to duck decoys, can be viewed at your leisure on this site or at the art gallery located in Darien, in Fairfield County, CT.

Pam Ackley
Michael Aiezza
Laurie Alberts
Sandra Aldrich
Catherine Andersen
George Angelini
Peter Arguimbau
Paul Baldassini
Patt Baldino
Betty Ball
Rosemary Banfield
Sue Barrasi
Kyle Bartlett
Lopez Baylon
A. D. Blake
Matthew Broad
Robert S. Brown
Judith C. Carbine
Carolyn Childs
Yin Yong Chun
Tina Cobelle-Sturges
Daphne M. Cochran
Eden Compton
Jane Cooper
Tony D'Amico
Richard Danzig
Margaret Dean
Dana DiMuro
Mireille Duchesne
Susan Durkee
Tim Eaton
Barbara Efchak
Peter Emerson
Lori Eubanks
Lois Fisher
Ginny Howsam Friedman
Patti Davis Ganek
Rich Gombar
Dana Goodfellow
Jim Goodridge
James Grabowski
Nancy Gramps
Jeff Green
Charles Gulbrandsen
Glen Hacker
Sharon Hathaway
Enid Hatton
Thomas Healy
Lee Heidemann
Blaikie Hines
Eric Holch
Sunil Howlader
Ted Jeremenko
David Jones
Grant Keller
Kevin Kerrigan
Kathleen Lee
Rebecca J. Leer
Barry Levin
Clayton Liotta
Michael Lowenbein
Barbara Lussier
Dennis Lyall
Sam Malpass
Neil McAuliffe
Shawn McAvoy
Cara McCabe
Edith McClean
Robert Meyers
Roger Milinowski
Graham Miller
Leonard Mizerek
Mary Morant
Meredith Mulhearn
Kim Muller-Thym
Julie van Norden
Caroline O'Callaghan
Susan O'Shea
Wendy Petta-Goldman
Alain Picard
Richard Pionk
Jason Pritchard
Jerry Reynolds
Pamela Riley-Abear
Cécile Roberfroid
James K. Ryan
Charlotte Sabbagh
Eric Alexander Santoli
Chet Saur
Kelley Schutte
Eileen Serwer
Chin H. Shin
Liron Sissman
Murray Smith
Vicki French Smith
Karl Soderlund
Gene Sparkman
George Stewart
Anda J. Styler
William Ternes
Yasemin Tomakan
Margaret Ulecka-Wilson
Tina Underwood
Concetta Volpe
Annette L. Voreyer
Martha Wakeman
Robert Waltsak
Robert Weinstein
Marlene Wiedenbaum
Jarvis Wilcox
Peter Yesis